Conrad Murray: ‘Release Me From Prison Or I’ll Die’

First Floyd Mayweather, and now Conrad Murray, the doctor convicted for being liable for the death of music icon Michael Jackson.

Attorneys for Murray are pleading with a judge to release him from the L.A. County Jail because he could die because of the immense toll being incarcerated is taking on his body.

Here’s the catch: Unlike Mayweather, who unsuccessfully bid to to receive house arrest for the remainder of his 87-day sentence in a Las Vegas jail, Murray seeks to be sent to prison, where he believes he’ll get better care.

Murray’s lawyer told TMZ, he wants to serve out his time in a major facility because he’s being treated like terribly in L.A. County jail — getting fresh air once a month, and fresh underwear once a week.

As a result of the alleged deprivation, Murray contends his health is failing — his hair, nails, and skin are gnarly  … and he’s been suffering from a constant headache over the last few weeks.

Murray says he’s never gotten headaches in the past — and is worried it might be a brain tumor.

TMZ reported Murray asked to see a doctor, but got shuffled around and did not receive medical attention.

Murray told his attorney, Valerie Wass, “I may not make it out of here alive. This is a very dangerous place. I’m in here dying. The system is intent on killing me.”

A rep for the L.A. County Sheriff’s Department tells us, the department doesn’t comment on pending cases.

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