President Obama, the First Dad, Issues Warning to Suitors of His Daughter

President Obama acknowledged that his teenage daughter Malia is approaching the dating years by issuing a non-too-subtle warning to potential suitors.

“That’s why we have the Secret Service,” the president said with a big grin when he was asked by a local television about his feelings on Malia and boys.

The reporter laughed in response.

Obama’s daughters, Malia, who is about to turn 14, and Sasha, 11, are being raised inside the world’s largest, most confining fish bowl, but their parents, along with Michelle’s mother, who lives with them in the White House, have managed to give them enough of an escape from the spotlight to have relatively normal childhoods. Well, if you consider having the Secret Service as chaperones on your first date as normal!

“She’s getting older,” Obama said, revealing his tender feelings for his girls. “It makes me tear up just thinking about it.”

During his series of interviews with eight local television reporters, Obama also got a chance to talk about a subject that has received considerable attention of late: his singing.

Reporter Tom Wills from WJXT in Jacksonville, Fla., asked Obama, “We’ve heard you sing, we’ve seen you do stand up at the correspondents dinner, I was just wondering if you’d given any thought to being on ‘American Idol’ or ‘America’s Got Talent?'”

“Let me tell you, my wife and my daughters find me embarrassing enough when I start performing,” he joked in response. “They certainly don’t want a large national audience seeing me in that situation. I’m going to try to keep my singing to the shower most of the time.”

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