Kris Humphries Demands Engagement Ring Back From Kim Kardashian

Kris Humphries is playing hard ball in his divorce from Kim Kardashian. The New Jersey Nets ball player is making demands for his HUGE 20 carat diamond engagement ring. It’s odd that Humphries will wait so long after his short-lived 72-day marriage to request the ring back but sources tell RadarOnline,

“Kris wants the ring back because the marriage only lasted 72 days and he believes it was based on fraud and deceit. Remember, Kim filed for divorce. Kris paid for that ring, and he just can’t fathom why Kim would want to keep it.”

That beautiful ring will certainly gather dust unless Kim melts it into another piece of jewelry – if she hadn’t already. Another source added, “It’s not like she is ever going to wear it again. Kris realizes that with Kim it’s all about material objects and she truly treasures things over people in her life.”

Despite what many people may believe about the Kardashian, Kris and his team will have a hard time proving the marriage took place under fradulent circumstances. Kris Jenner, the matriarch of the family who previously stated the ring is a “gift”, is protected by E! News, Ryan Seacrest and several other powerful entities with a vested interest in the brand surviving. Humphries with his admirable battle will likely lose.  Sorry.

Do you think Kim K should return the ring to Kris?

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