Nicki Minaj Inspired By Madonna Not Lady Gaga

Is Nicki Minaj trying to out-Gaga Lady Gaga?! That is the question most asked by fans who’re accusing the hip hop/pop artist of stealing the Fame Monster’s style. Of course Lady Gaga has withstood her own share of criticism from fans who believed she stole her style from Madonna. In the case of Nicki Minaj she decided to skip the middle man – woman in this case. The ‘Starships’ singer visited Matt Lauer on the Today’s show when she was whether she’s inspired by Lady Gaga and Madonna to reinvent herself. Her answer,

“Well, I don’t really know gaga, but Madonna, I had the pleasure of working with her, obviously, and I feel like she’s really changed and reinvented not only herself but pop culture. So what inspired me about Madonna is that she’s able to balance all of this with her family and her personal life. And I told her–I was like, “How do you do this,” you know, with your children there and she’s a great mom. You know, she’s just everything.”

Check out the full interview below. What do you think of Nicki’s answer?

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