Tyler Perry Connects Trayvon Martin Case To Personal Experience

Tyler Perry recounted a recent confrontation with law enforcement on his official Facebook fan page after allegedly pulled over and interrogated by Atlanta police.

The flagrant Madea impersonator described Sunday in a lengthy essay how he made an illegal turn to determine if his gut feeling of being followed was correct. Two police officers pulled him over and pressed him about his actions. The officers also made mention of his tinted windows and probed the filmmaker as to why he thought he was being followed by them.

The incident deflated after a third officer arrived explaining who Tyler was and immediately the officers apologized.

Tyler’s post broke the internet, well, not really. But the “Good Deeds” actor’s post seems to resonate for many. At the time of this article, Tyler’s post had been shared 11, 549 times, liked 113, 532 times with 20,567 comments, so his unfortunate incident is spreading like wildfire and could be the necessary fuel to get the FBI involved in racial profiling incidents as he desires.

“RACIAL PROFILING SHOULD BE A HATE CRIME INVESTIGATED BY THE FBI!!! That way local government can’t make the decision on whether or not these people get punished,” Perry posted.

Read Tyler’s story in-part:

“…The officer came up to the driver’s door and said that I made an illegal turn. I said, “I signaled to get into the turning lane, then made the turn because I have to be sure I’m not being followed.” He said, “why do you think someone would be following you?

Before I could answer him, I heard a hard banging coming from the passenger window. I had never been in this position before so I asked the officer who was at my window what was going on and why is someone banging on the window like that. He said, “let your window down, let your window down. Your windows are tinted.” As I let down the passenger window, there was another officer standing on the passenger side of the car. He said, “what is wrong with you?” The other officer said to him, “he thinks he’s being followed.” Then, the second officer said, “why do you think someone is following you? What is wrong with you…?

As I stepped out of the car another officer pulled up in front of my car. This officer was a black guy. He took one look at me and had that “Oh No” look on his face. He immediately took both officers to the back of my car and spoke to them in a hushed tone. After that, one of the officers stayed near his car while one came back, very apologetic.

I said all of that to say this: do you see how quickly this could have turned for the worse?”

“The Why Did I Get Married” producer ended his story with two high profiled racial incidents, most notably the Trayvon Martin Case.

“Now I know that there are many great officers, patrolmen and security guys out there. I am aware of that. But although we have made significant strides with racial profiling in this country, the world needs to know that we are still being racially profiled, and until this situation has improved greatly, I’m not sure how a murder in Florida can be protected by a ‘stand your ground law.’”


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