Casper Smart, no longer known as the 24-year old back up dancer, held on tightly to his girlfriend Jennifer Lopez as they landed in Sao Paulo, Brazil on Sunday. Dressed in a long sleeve blue shirt and black leather pants, Casper lead JLo to their waiting car. It’s not hard to imagine why Smart would hold on for dear life to Jennifer, but despite our cynicism the pair seem happy….for now.
The American Idol judge will reportedly spend a few days on promotional duties for her latest film ‘What To Expect When You’re Expecting’ and her talent competition show Q’Viva.
The next day Lopez turned up the sexy factor when she visited a local talk show in the lime green, body hugging dress and hot pink pumps. J Lo also announced plans to take the stage at the Pop Music Festival in Sao Paulo on June 23 and in Rio de Janeiro on June 27.
Check out more pictures of JLo and Casper Smart below: