Jennifer Lopez was heating up Mexico over the weekend, while on the set of her upcoming music video. The 42-year old ‘American Idol’ judge gave young women everywhere a run for their money, by showing off her tight abs, and other flawless assets. The video to Jennifer’s new single “Follow the Leader”, was shot in Acapulco, and directed by her boyfriend, 24-year-old Casper Smart.
While on set, Jennifer and Smart were open about their romantic relationship, publicly showing each other affection. Smart was spotted feeding donuts to “The Back-up Plan” actress, and later was caught staring down at her cleavage. The pair also could be seen embracing one another, and even shared a small kiss at one point. It’s safe to say J-Lo doesn’t care much about her and Smart’s age difference. It could actually be what excites her most about the relationship. The superstar was sure to keep his attention in the skin tight sequined pants, and zebra print shirt she wore on set, baring her midriff.
There was also another male at the shoot, besides Smart, that had quite a few people talking. Who was this mystery man, you might ask? JLo’s stunt double for the day! Yes, the mother-of-two hired a man to be her temporary clone for the video, and there was definitely a striking resemblance…from afar. The two of them shared the exact same outfit and hairstyle, making this an interesting shoot to say the least.
What do you think of JLo upgrading her man from backup dancer to video director?
Check out more pictures of Casper Smart and Jennifer on set: