Nicki Minaj Crazed Fans Attack Jill Scott On Twitter

Jill Scott found out the hard way that voicing your opinion about Nicki Minaj will result in an onslaught of attacks via Twitter. Nicki Minaj is still suffering from the backlash following her controversial Grammy performance that included a Pope and an exorcism. The Superbass singer has since defended her theatrics saying,

“I don’t know, what is the big issue? You know how people write plays and movies? That’s what I did. I wrote that and I gave the world a tiny little preview of what’s to come. And I have to perform it on the set in which the movie would be, right?”

According to Hispanic Business, Minaj said the performance was “meant to say, love people for who they are and stop ridiculing and chastising and condemning people because they seem different — that’s the goal.”

Jill apparently felt the same way, “Art for art sake I suppose. She has the right to express herself and she took that right. Nuff said.”

The slight didn’t go over to well with Minaj’s Barbz who bombarded the ‘So In Love’ singer on Twitter so fiercely that that other fans rushed to Jill’s defense.

@Celebrated_Soul Thanku honey. It’s sad how teenagers lash out in arbitrary anger. I guess it’s the hormones. I wouldn’t hurt Nikki. Gud luc”

@f*ckdomino: “@missjillscott Jill, Sweet Girl…Ignore Em All! Nicki Is A Fan Of You And She’ll Be Disgusted To See Her “Fans” Act Like This”

@_IsaiahSaysSo_”Why all the Minaj Fans Mad at @missjillscott ???? Shes only part of the 90 percent of viewers who didnt like the performance. Lol.”

“Reading @missjillscott time line and getting pretty upset with the lack of intelligence shown by the Minaj fanatics. Education has failed”

In the end Ms. Jill Scott said “Ok Love Village, let it go. They r children or very childish. I’m sincerely not troubled. We good over here.”

We’re sure Nicki Minaj would side with Jill on this one.

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