Brad Pitt Ecstatic Over His Oscar Nomination

After receiving a nomination for Best Actor and Best Picture in “Moneyball”, along with receiving another Best Picture nod for his movie “Tree of Life”, Brad Pitt said he was “dizzy with joy … and caffeine.”

The Oscar nominations were announced yesterday morning in Beverly Hills and the Hollywood star has a good chance at receiving an award.

While being interviewed about his nominations, the actor stressed that it wasn’t solely about celebrating himself, but also his co-star.

“I am especially over the moon for Jonah [Hill] (and the other Moneyballers acknowledged today),” Pitt said in a statement. “Considering both films … nearly didn’t make it to the screen, this is especially sweet.”

Pitt plans to send over a gift to his fellow actors: “Pancakes for everyone!”, the veteran actor said as he laughed.

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