Bethenny Frankel Divorce Rumors Sparked By Reality Show

Did Bethenny Frankel cancel ‘Bethenny Ever After’ because of a pending divorce? We’ve all heard of the reality TV curse, if you don’t get out when you can, reality TV will inevitably doom your relationship. While there are no news of an official divorce, Bethenny and her husband of Jason Hoppy are experiencing some marital woes.

Season 3, the final season of Ever After premieres February 20th on Monday and from the looks of things Bethenny isn’t making life easy on Jason. In on scene Frankel reveals Jason’s penis has “cob webs” on it. In another dramatic scene while Bethenny holds on to their daughter Brynn she demands and apology from Jason, he walks away leaving them alone. (see the clip below)

Late last year Bethennys estranged mother stated the marriage wouldn’t last because Jason is “really too weak for her.”

Who knows what lies at the bottom of their issues but kudos to Bethenny for abandoning ship on the reality show, hopefully it wasn’t too late. Watch highlights from season 3 of Bethenny Ever After. Will Bethenny and Jason make it another year?

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