Amber Rose Breaks Down In Tears Over Kanye West Attacks

UPDATE-Amber Rose may have broken down in tears when she appeared on “RapFix Live” while discussing her ex Kanye West but she was all smiles again when the topic turned to Wiz Khalifa.

Rose, who wore an over sized, brown Russian fur hat with tail intact and shades, appeared on the MTV show just a day after releasing her first single ‘FAME’ featuring boyfriend Wiz Khalifa.

When the host   Sway asked if Wiz was ever bothered by his woman name being constantly connected to another man (Kanye), the conversation got interesting.

“Wiz knows that I never loved a man the way that I love him. He knows that, he’s very secure with that. He knows that no matter what I would never go back to that.”

Amber insists she’s finally using her strength to speak out against the actions of both Kim Kardashian and Kanye.

“No one knows what I’ve been through and the things that I had to deal with when Kanye made his album and talked reckless about me on his album.”

The blond model is making references to West’s ‘My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy’ where many of the songs seem to be directed at her, especially ‘Blame Game’.

Amber began crying when she discussed being mistreated in public by Kanye fans.

“I have people throwing things at me in the street because they’re fans of Kanye,” Amber said threw her sobs. “I’m just crying because I don’t deserve to be bullied like that. I’m a nice girl, I don’t bother anybody. I keep my mouth shut because I don’t want any trouble.”

“I don’t deserve that, and I’m sick of being bullied.”

Just days before, Amber unleashed her own tirade against Kanye and Kim Kardashian but soon backed down calling her attack ‘mean’ and unlike her normally peaceful character.

But that was yesterday and today after finally getting it off her chest, tears and all, Amber said she’s through talking about Kanye.

“Today on your show, I just want to let it be known that I am so done with the Kanye questions, she told Sway. That’s my past, I’m done with it.”

Fingers crossed, though time will tell. For now Amber is focused on her beau Wiz Khalifa, her music, movies and other ventures.

In another video clip, Amber Rose lit up when discussing her love for Wiz – her boyfriend not her husband…yet.

“I love him; I would do anything for him. He is a spoiled brat when it comes to me. I don’t let him lift a finger; I do everything for him,” Rose continued. “I am the wife, I take care of all that. He doesn’t have to do anything.”

“I get up in the morning, I cook him breakfast every morning. I rub his feet, I give him kisses, feed him breakfast in bed,” she listed. “I clean the house, I run the shower for him; I iron his clothes and whatever he wants.” If Wiz has any since he would marry Amber – now!

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