Jeremy Piven Dumps Erica Lancellotti Over Media Story

Hollywood relationships never last long! Jeremy Pivens and Erica Lancellotti are following trend, as the two have recently called off their short-lived romance.

In a recent interview, Lancellotti mentioned that her and the “Smokin’ Aces” star have been dating for six months. After she was asked if the relationship was serious she replied, “Is anything ever really serious these days?” After the story was released, her response didn’t sit well with Piven.

According to sources, Piven was angry that Lancellotti filled the media in on their relationship, and as a result they apparently got into a huge fight about it.

The “Entourage” actor dumped her thereafter. “He was super-pissed she was using him for publicity and wants nothing to do with her,” says the source.

Piven was recently scene in Florianopolis, Brazil, partying on New Year’s Eve without Lancellotti.

Another source said her past relationship with “American Idol” host Ryan Seacrest also collapsed after Lancellotti spoke to the media about their relationship.

A rep for Piven didn’t respond to the story.

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