Beyonce Won't Reveal Her Due Date Or Baby's Sex On 20/20

UPDATE- Don’t expect Beyonce to reveal her due date or whether she’s having a baby boy or girl on tonight’s 20/20 with Katie Couric.

As reported earlier Beyonce finally revealed why the reports of her due dates were inconsistent. While in Australia the host of Sunday Night said Beyonce was due in February but in a video date September 23rd, Beyonce revealed she was six months pregnant. Which of course means she’s 8 months pregnant going into her 9th month now. While it’s uncertain which date is actually accurate, if either, Beyonce opened up to Katie Couric about her pregnancy on Friday night’s 20/20.

As many speculate over the due date of Beyonce’s baby, the singer reveals that she deserves and needs protection to enjoy her day with her family and soon to be boy or girl.

“The truth is, it’s safety. I just want to make sure I can have a peaceful day. And I want to make sure my child is protected. There are certain things that are so far [out] … it doesn’t even upset you,” she continued.   “Other rumors do take a toll.”

Beyonce Pregnant Pictures

Peace and protection is certainly not to much to ask as a mother. In the revealing interview Beyonce also returns back to that night at the VMA’s when she revealed to the world she was pregnant.

“I just felt free. I really did, because I’d been holding the most exciting thing in for so long, and I just felt like, Wow, now I can enjoy and now I can just experience this the way that every woman should. So I felt so liberated, and I felt like, Oh, I can breathe and be happy. And, you know, it was a beautiful feeling. … I went straight off the stage and just cried. I hugged my mom, I hugged Jay and just cried. It was a beautiful day.”

And about the sex of her baby? When Couric asked Knowles if she should get her a pink or a blue baby present, Beyonce placed a finger near her lips smiling…”hmm”. Katie tried to get specific reminding Beyonce of Kelly Rowland’s slip when she referred to Bey’s baby as “she”, but Beyonce insisted she has no preference.

“I don’t care. I just want – I’m just like everyone else. And now I know why people say that, it’s true. I just want [a healthy baby],” she said.

Awwww…What did you think of Beyonce’s 20/20 interview?

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