UPDATE-Kourtney and Kim Take New York was a ratings hit for E!!!!
Kourtney and Kim opened with a bang, a bang of nakedness and healthy snacks! Kim Kardashian and the remaining Kardashian clan can thank Kim and Kris Humphries’ divorce for the heighten interest in their new show. Numbers have not yet been released but time will tell whether people were curious enough to confirm if Kris was indeed the husband from hell or if the Kardashian Boycott remained intact.
Back to the premiere episode: Kim and Kris moves to New York and things quickly turn ugly….as in Kris Humphries is a slob ugly. “Kim is a compulsive neat freak,” says Kourtney Kardashian. “When I see a messy room, it literally ruins my day,” says Kim. Despite her stress Kris reveals to Kourtney he purposely leaves clothes on the floor to annoy Kim.
Next up Kourtney kicks up her new health craze which includes Kale chips, lots of frowning faces and a naked yoga teacher. Yes, full on naked!! Kourtney decides it’s a swell idea to host a naked Yogi session in the shared living room but things go terribly wrong when Kris walks in from training and goes berserk!
‘That is disgusting,’ he yells. ‘This is my home. This is disrespectful.’
‘You are so immature I can’t take it,’ Kim retorts.
‘You can’t take it? I can’t take it… I felt uncomfortable when I came in. I nearly threw up.’
If the naked yoga teacher and Kale chips wasn’t enough, Kris vented further about Mason’s playpen being five yards from his room and used as it an opportunity to reveal his plans to leave.
‘Mason’s playpen five yards from my room. Naked yoga dudes. I think I am going to go to Minnesota and get ready for the season and just train and stuff.’
Kim takes Kris’ news in stride saying, ‘I am sad – but Kris is really supportive of my career and if Minnesota is the best place for him to work out then that’s what he should do.
Kim continued,
‘Everyone was so excited to come to New York. We didn’t plan for any of this – but we will figure it out.’ Now we know figuring out meant getting a divorce.
First: Did you boycott or watch the premiere episode of Kourtney & Kim Take New York? If you dared to watch, what did you think of the premiere episode? were Kim and Kris doomed from the start?
Update: The numbers are in and the Kardashian clan were winners. According to numbers reported by USA Today, Sunday’s premiere episode snatched a high 3.2 million viewers which was an increase from January’s series premiere of 3 million viewers. E! also enjoyed a 8% boost with viewers in the 18-49 category. Was the Kim Kardashian boycott a failure?