Kim Kardashian Makes First Visit To Kris Humphries Post Divorce

Update-Kim Kardashian’s divorce, is it happening or not?! While Kim flew in early this morning to Minnesota to see Kris Humphries, her husband of 72 days, Saturday Night Live was having a field day with the fiasco. SNL held nothing back when they mocked the Kardashian family on Saturday night.

Kris Humphries was the bumbling fool, Kris Jenner was the attention seeking mother, Khloe was the outcast and Kourtney was the irrelevant sister. Bruce Jenner wasn’t spared and even Lamar Odom gets a spot.

The clip opens with
“Get ready for the latest Kardashian event – ‘Kim’s Fairytale Divorce’.”

Kristen Wiig as Kris Jenner states, “I know a lot of people say Kim got married just to make over $17 million from the wedding … But that’s not true, she also got married for attention.”

Kim/Nasim says of the divorce: “All week we’ve been just crying and crying and posing and crying and getting our anuses bleached.” But she added, “Things are looking up for me – I’m single and there’s an NBA lockout.”

Next up “Tune in for a storybook ceremony as Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries sign their divorce papers.”

By the way, Nasim Pedrad should be on hand for a Lifetime movie of   Kim know it’s coming!

Have you joined the Kardashian ex-fans who are boycotting, Keeping up with the Kardshians and everything else Kardashian?

Kim K heading out of LAX to Minnesota

Update: TMZ reports Kim Kardashian will visit the pastor who officiated the wedding – to apologize, to seek some much needed counseling???! It’s too early to call it a reconciliation but at least Kim and Kris are on talking terms…and she had the decency the keep the camera crews away.

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