Jennifer Lopez Talks Evolving Style And Loving Yourself In Glamour

Update-Jennifer Lopez opens up to Glamour Magazine about relationships, her line for Kohls and love. Of course without dropping any names, her rumored beau Bradley Cooper and estranged husband Marc Anthony can take some cues from the interview.

Jennifer Lopez is absolutely gorgeous on the December issue of Glamour, she admitted that one of the biggest lessons she’s learned thus far is the importance of self love.

“You’ve got to love yourself first. You’ve got to be OK on your own before you can be OK with somebody else.”

She continued;

“You’ve got to value yourself and know that you’re worth everything. And until you value yourself enough and love yourself enough to know that, you can’t really have a healthy relationship.”

In regards to possibly starting a new relationship she stated;

“I think to give something a chance, to really get to know somebody, you want to do it out of the public eye. You know the media, they want to rush everything.”

Jennifer doesn’t appear to want to take things slowly either as the pop songstress not only juggles demand from her new clothing line, the tight judging schedule on American Idol, filming an upcoming movie,   a new CD and motherhood!   Whew, now that’s enough to wear down any body, but this super diva doesn’t plan resting just yet as Jennifer went on to express the inspiration behind the clothing showcased in her collection.

“The things I liked when I was, like, 16 and in the Bronx, jeans, cut-up T-shirts… I still like. But I’ve been exposed to so much now from traveling the world and seeing couture clothes. I used all of that when I created my new line for Kohl’s.”

She continued;

“My style has come from everything, from where I started to where I am today.”

And what a journey it has been.   Jennifer Lopez has transformed from a fly girl in the Bronx to a music mogul calling her own shots, an actress, a producer and a successful mother of two.   Now that’s what I call a triple threat!

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