Beyonce Goes Make Up Free On Shopping Trip With Kanye West & Jay-Z

Beyonce was spotted make up free yet absolutely glowing as she embarked on a shopping trip with her husband Jay-Z and their resident bestie Kanye West. The trio was spotted in New York City’s Intermix eyeing a few high priced items. Jay-Z and Bey were affectionate towards each other while Kanye looked on.

This past Sunday evening, Beyonce credited Michael Jackson as her inspiration to launch her career in music. Beyonce sat down an Australian news program Sunday Night HD, where she revealed a few tidbits. The glowing mommy-to-be dished on everything from her inspiration to become a pop star to how her baby is changing her life.

On Michael Jackson being her inspiration:
How old was I? Five years old and it was my first concert and it was his show and that night I decided my purpose. He’s the reason I do what I do, because I would have never experienced that magic if it wasn’t for him.

Whether her baby will change her life:
Absolutely, it has already changed my life. My husband (Jay-Z) and I have been together for 10 years for all of my twenties-since I was 20 and we just feel like it’s time. I’m very grateful that God has blessed me with the biggest gift that any human being can have. I think because I’ve accomplished a lot of things for myself and I really know who I am. I didn’t rush into anything and I feel like if it’s any time, right now is the time and I’m so happy.

The interviewer Molly Meldrum also revealed Beyonce is due in February! Check out the interview below and pictures of Beyonce out with hubby Jay-Z and Kanye West on a shopping date.

SN: Beyonce may have left her make up but she certainly didn’t forget the heels!

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