Jay-Z And Rumors Of A Secret Love Child Resurfaces

Rumors have recently resurfaced regarding Jay-Z secretly fathering a now 9-year old boy with Trinidadian model Shenelle Scott, but are they true?

The timing of the rumor is not surprising given the big pregnancy announcement and Beyonce flaunting her fabulous mommy-to-be self around town. According to Star Magazine, Jerald Andrews, the father of Malik Sayeed (Shenelle’s ex boyfriend) gave an exclusive interview in 2007 claiming DNA test exclusively ruled out his son as the child’s true father. Another source confirmed this suspicion by stating;

“Malik threw Shenelle a baby shower and bought all this stuff to prepare for the arrival.   However, after the baby was born, friends and family told him he needed to get a DNA test.”

The source continued;

“Everyone knew she was sleeping around and sleeping with Jay.   There was a good chance it was his.”

Andrews filled in the blanks by explaining that after his son Malik, who is named as the child’s father on the birth certificate, found out about the true paternity, he became enraged and kicked Shenelle out of their home.

Further allegations state that Jay Z then made arrangements for Shenelle and her son to travel back to Trinidad where he insures their comfort with very lofty child support payments.

But are these rumors true, or just another lofty hoax? These previous claims have now come under fire given that the original source, Mr. Andrews has apparently reneged on his former allegations.

According to NY DailyNews, although Jerald Andrews previously stated that DNA evidence definitively proved Jay-Z was the father; he now denies having ay first hand knowledge that there was even a test conducted.

“I know Shenelle, but I’ve never spoken to her or my son about this.   They’re very private people.   The stuff about the DNA test was on the Internet.   It’s all from an old article on the Internet.   I don’t know if it’s true.”

This is a pretty significant 180 given that the test was Andrew’s main source of evidence linking Jay-Z to the child.   So why is Andrews making such contradictory statements? Is he being paid to keep quiet?

Immediate attempts to reach out to Jay-Z have been unsuccessful and given that Jay and his wife Beyonce are notoriously private regarding family matters, it’s doubtful that he will ever confirm or deny the claims.

So what do you think? Are the claims true and Jay-Z is paying the Trinidadian family to stay quiet, or is the kid just not his son?

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