Eva Longoria Talks Moving On From Tony Parker With Ellen

Desperate Housewives star Eva Longoria is moving on with her new life she’s wearing like a well, stitched gown as she discussed settling into life as a single woman.

In a recent interview with Ellen DeGeneres, Longoria spoke candidly regarding how many compliments she’s received since her marriage to San Antonio Spurs star Tony Parker ended just last year.

Longoria expressed that people constantly tell her she looks younger, and happier than she ever did while married.   Eva further reiterated this point by stating;

“I’m going, ‘Wow!’ I think divorce agrees with me!”

Longoria went on to admit that she no longer communicates with ex husband Tony Parker.   She also discussed how she often felt a loss of identity within the marriage which she’s working toward reclaiming now that she’s single.

“For me, being a woman, I realized you cannot identify yourself through a man or through your marriage, or through a partner. I think it’s our nature to be socially constructed that way. To just be inferior or subservient and you don’t have to be.

(Eva Longoria and new beau Eduardo)

She continued by stating;

“You can be yourself and really hold your own by yourself no matter what partnership you’re in.”

Longoria, who is presently dating Eduardo Cruz, also admitted that although she wasn’t necessarily opposed to marriage, she wasn’t sure if it was a step she would ever decide to make again.

In an interview with Access Hollywood, Longoria went into further detail by stating;

“I just don’t really give it a lot of thought right now. Ask a woman after divorce if she’s gonna get married, you won’t get an honest answer.”

Watch a clip of Eva on Ellen:

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