Lady Gaga In Rare Form With Makeup Free Harper's Bazaar Cover

Generally known for her outlandish make-up and costumes, singer/songwriter Lady Gaga bares it all in a modest, makeup free cover for Harper’s Bazaar.

Gaga, or Ms. Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta, poignantly summed up her view on keeping things simple by stating;

“Whether I’m wearing lots of makeup or no makeup, I’m always the same person inside,’ said the singer.”

I know what you may be wondering…why choose to stay in character almost everyday of your life if your natural self is equally if not more so appealing?   Well Gaga responded to this question by denying that remaining out of costume should be considered natural at all.   She attempted to further quell confusion with the following statement;

“I don’t really view it as “natural”.   I think that artifice is the new reality. It’s more about just being honest and sincere to the core of what you do.   I think what has been lovely about my relationship with the public is that they expect something unexpected from me.”

As one might imagine, being a creative recluse can get a little lonely.   Gaga continued the interview by speaking very candidly in regards to the matter by expressing that it’s become something she’s grown rather accustomed to.

“When you’re alone as much as I am, you become accustomed to your solitude and embrace it.”

Lady Gaga’s cover is set to hit news stands this October.   What do you feel about her demure photos? Do you think she’s letting her fan base down by neglecting to stay true to form, or is it an attempt to show how multifaceted she truly is?

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