Did Basketball Wives Destroy Jennifer And Eric's Marriage?

Update-Did Basketball Wives destroy Jennifer and Eric’s marriage? If you ask Eric Williams that’s a resounding, yes! The now estranged couple who are both dragging out their divorce have cemented their place on the list of couples who divorce after appearing in a reality TV show.Eric and Jenn’s rocky relationship escalated to new heights when the season finale aired, showing Eric and Jenn verbally trashing each other and throwing drinks!

Viewers are taking sides as the couple continue to battle. Did Jennifer provoke the situation as she threw the first drink – though not as aggressively – and should Eric have walked away? Jennifer called into New York radio show “The Breakfast Club” to state her peace. Eric wasn’t far behind when he called to state his peace. Excerpts below allude to Eric’s belief that Jennifer has changed while on the show and it’s negatively impacted their marriage.

You know she’s trying to make a career. You see the way they set up the whole show? That sh*t is around me and my emotions and my relationship. She’s going out there looking like an alco[holic]. She’s drinking the devils drink, they got you talking about condoms this & condoms that. The only thing you’re talking out of your mouth about   is smashing. Is that a good example for for yourself? She needs to check [her]self.

She’s not acting herself and you know it. She’s changed 350 degrees. So all that stuff that’s going on right now, I don’t even know her. So the splash of thy holy water, I had to Baptize that ass, ya dig.

Check it out below: Did Basketball Wives destroy Jennifer and Eric’s marriage?


Jennifer’s take:

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