Jennifer Lopez $20 Million Idol Deal Sparks Jealousy

Update-There can only be one diva on American Idol and Jennifer Lopez has proved to be the winner. The multi-hyphenate star is showing the judges of American Idol, Steven Tyler in particular just how much of a staunch businesswoman she may be. After signing a one-year contract reportedly worth just over $12 million, JLo is asking for more, a lot more. Reports surfaced that Jennifer was asking for Simon Cowell’s former salary of $35 million, execs met her somewhere in the middle, for $20 million. Sounds great for Jenn, except Steven Tyler is already locked into a two-year contract worth only $10 million/year.

Sources told New York Post,

“J.Lo’s management is close to brokering her a huge deal to come back to the panel for at least one more season, and but the side effect is that it means her fellow judges also want more money.

“Steven is halfway through a two-year deal,” explained one source, “and his management has asked for more money. They argue he was just as sensational and as popular on the panel as Jennifer. But, on the other side, show bosses argue he’s tied into a deal and has to stick to it. However, it’s hoped they can come to a compromise to keep Steven happy, because the producers love him.”

Lopez’s spokesperson told NY Post,

“Talks are ongoing–she has nothing to announce as yet.”

Update: Producer Nigel Lythgoe announced that Jennifer Lopez will return to Idol. Was Jennifer Lopez worth all the fuss?

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