Beyonce Advocates Fearful Of Album "4" Flop

Are Beyonce’s advocates fearful over the Tuesday release of her fourth studio album “4” being a flop? Yes, according to the New York Post. Beyonce received mixed reviews on the lead single “Run The World, Girls” while she’s garnered more support for the follow-up singles. But while Beyonce’s die-hard fans remain in her corner her record company Columbia is less than confident.

An insider reportedly tells the New York Post that Columbia Records executives requested Beyonce to do over a couple tracks, but the “Schoolin’ Life” singer refused. Now the executives are “…very nervous about Beyoncé’s new record. It doesn’t have the hit songs that her fans are used to. They asked her to make changes, but she said no.”

In order to off set the low sale numbers, Columbia is fanning the flames of a Destiny’s Child reunion.

“Beyoncé’s career has stalled a bit,” the insider continued. “Columbia seems to think they can get some mileage out of a comeback record with all of the girls.”

Reps at Columbia are denying the claim telling NY Post, “All I know is that the record came in . . . Nothing was ever discussed to change it.” Beyoncé’s rep said, “All of this is completely untrue. All of it.”

Kelly Rowland who’s enjoying perhaps the best success of her solo career with her hit “Motivation” and her judging duties for UK X Factor is reportedly less than eager to do a reunion album. (Time will tell)

While insiders work to make “4” a hit, Beyonce is doing her part to tear down the stage for her debut at Glastonbury. The perfectionist that is Beyonce was in London for three weeks rehearsing following her test performance in Nice, France. Beyonce’s performance will also be streamed live to double as her BET performance.

So could Beyonce’s album “4” be her first flop? And if so, isn’t that sometimes the price an artist pays for going in a new direction? With enough promotion, we’re sure Beyonce and her handlers will make Beyonce’s new sound her sound.

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