Oprah Winfrey's Final Farewell To Feature Only One Special Guest

Oprah Winfrey’s final farewell will reportedly feature only one special guest: Oprah Winfrey herself. After airing her two part farewell surprise extravaganza, Oprah will settle for one more day with her viewers alone. No Tom Hanks, Will and Jada Smith, Madonna, Beyonce and all the others that were present at Oprah’s “Surprise Oprah! A Farewell Spectacular” event.

According to Associated Press, Oprah will share her life lesson and revist old clips. An attendee of the final show which will air May 25th said this,

“It was just her the whole time, a recap of what she believed in, what we’ve given her as viewers and what she hopes she has given us.

While Oprah may end her show on an intimate note with herself and her fans her two-day celebration will no doubt have the last word of this finale week. Celebrity after celebrity had wonderful things to say about the talk show queen. Madonna had this to share about Oprah,

“It’s no secret that millions of people are inspired by Oprah,’ she said. ‘I am one of those people … She fights for things she believes in, even if it makes her unpopular … I have learned so much from her.

She’s a self-made woman who’s been at the top of her game for over 25 years – and she’s still kicking ass, I vow to be more courageous and never give up…. Thank you for inspiring me.”

What will you miss most about the Oprah Winfrey Show?

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