Halle Berry Finally Sheds Light On Custody Battle For Nahla

Halle Berry finally sheds some light on the ongoing custody battle for her daughter Nahla. The custody battle reached a heated peak when Halle reportedly feared for Nahla’s safety. Gabriel who’d previously remained on the sideline filed a paternity suit and requested custodial rights. Halle Berry twice dropped out of projects including “New Years Eve” and the Broadway play “Mountaintop” about Dr. Martin Luther King.

Despite what appeared to many as a heated custody battle Halle Berry maintains that things are going well. Halle tells Extra,

“When there’s a child involved, it’s a relief when you can resolve things in a good way. Our issues were never about fighting for her.”

“We both know a child needs both her parents. But what I want to say about it is sometimes, as a couple, you reach an impasse. We need a court and a judge to help us work out some of the delicate issues,” she explained.

“I’m so happy we’ve arrived at that place — because for her sake, this is the best way. We both love her more than life.”

Of course Gabriel dropped his custody suit, Halle Berry won the rights to travel on location with Nahla, she rejoined the “New Years Eve” cast and is dating hot French actor Olivier Martinez. Don’t things always go well when you’re the one winning?

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