Jewish Writer to Release Second Edition of Racial ‘Breeding’ Book on Interracial Superiority, Backlash Follows



Alon Ziv’s 2006 book, Breeding Between The Lines, has been republished, which drew sharp criticism online. Many users shared their disapproval of the book, which promotes the idea that interracial individuals are “healthier and more attractive” than those who are not.

The book’s website claims that even though the topic of race has an ugly history, the work “approaches it responsibly.” It alleges “mixed parents give their children the precious gift of diverse DNA” protecting them from cystic fibrosis and sickle-cell anemia, the latter of which is a disease that mostly affects Black people. All the author’s research is based on various academic journals in subjects like botany and animal behavior.

The description continues, saying Ziv – who is Jewish and not interracial – “illustrates how biology influences every aspect of our lives and how the right combination of genes can make all the difference.”

Though some say the book is based on eugenics – a social philosophy advocating the improvement of hereditary qualities by selective breeding – the author refutes that view in the site’s FAQs.

Ziv says “eugenics historically argued for the exact opposite of interracial unions. Racist eugenicists were attempting to create some kind of ‘pure’ race. Breeding Between the Lines shows why this type of institutionalized inbreeding is a very bad idea.”

The book was reviewed on Literary Ames in 2013, and the mixed-race author assured readers it was not racist. But Twitter sees it differently.

One user questioned why a book like this would be cleared for a second edition in 2016.

Another quoted a line from the book’s website and questioned the “mixed-race explosion” Ziv predicted.

David Pontious referenced Jacob Mason, an Italian internet celebrity who frequently professes his love for Black women on social media.

Tyler Adams has a simple solution for Ziv and his book.

While one user blamed the author’s message on two things: the idea that race is “a social construct” and “bad science.”

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