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Ayesha Curry’s Hotly Debated Tweet Raises the Question of Respectability Politics For How Women Should Dress

Ayesha-Curry-FactsLate last night, Ayesha Curry, wife of Stephen Curry, posted a tweet about women not covering up that had her name trending on the social media network for hours:

“Everyone’s into barely wearing clothes these days huh? Not my style. I like to keep the good stuff covered up for the one who matters,” Ayesha tweeted. “Just looking at the latest fashion trends. I’ll take classy over trendy any day of the week. #saturdaynightinsight. And all I’m doing is sitting here reading a style weekly. You guys definitely entertain me that’s for sure.”

Initially supporters applauded her tweet, but as the tweet began to go viral, many began to criticize both Curry’s post and those that supported it. Ayesha and her supporters’ tweets, users argued, were operating off of respectability politics.

Users continued to debate the intention and impact of Ayesha’s tweet, making her name the #1 trending topic on twitter.

One user, @huny, tweeted how respectability for Black women, is never truly attainable.:

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