Michelle Williams has recently taken on the highly scrutinized task of playing Marilyn Monroe in the film, “My Week with Marilyn.” The actress has managed to impress most critics with her performance.
Mark Jenkins at the Washington Post writes:
“Williams’s Monroe is more vital than anything else. The actress captures Monroe’s range of emotions and personae, her shifts from vulnerability to brashness.”
Roger Ebert writes:
“What matters is the performance by Michelle Williams. She evokes so many Marilyns, public and private, real and make-believe. We didn’t know Monroe, but we believe she must have been something like this.”
Tom Horgen said that Michelle Williams “disappears so effortlessly” into Marilyn Monroe. Betsy Sharkey writes “Williams is Monroe.”
“My Week With Marilyn” is based on the novel by Colin Clark. The book is mainly about Clark’s relationship with Marilyn during the making of “The Prince and the Showgirl.”
The independent film opened November 23, 2011.