Couples Advice: Money Woes To Blame For Most Arguments

Not surprisingly money woes has been signaled as the biggest source of conflict between married couples and we can imagine many long term couples as well.

A survey from the American Institute of CPAs polled over 1,000 people and 27 percent cited financial woes as the topic most likely to start an argument.

Jordan Amin, chair of the National CPA Financial Literacy Commission, believes this is because of the sensitive nature of the subject and differing views on how to handle money.

“Money is a lightning rod for conflict in relationships because it’s a sensitive topic and each person brings a different perspective based on their past experiences,” said Amin in the press release for the study. “It’s critical for couples to communicate openly and regularly about financial matters in order to establish a common language around money and move toward shared goals.”

Has money issues ever broken your relationship or marriage?


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