Twins Tia Mowry Hardrict and Tamera Mowry-Housley continue their televised, sisterly bond by embarking on a new docu-series titled Tia & Tamera. The reality show is slated to air tonight at 9pm on the Style Network.
During the show’s first season, the sisters are each undergoing major life changes as Tia is pregnant with her first child and Tamera is preparing for her wedding. Consequently, the combined stress of the two events continually tests the strength of Tia and Tamera’s sisterly bond.
Tia has since given birth to her first son, Cree Taylor, on June 28. Although he was born five days ahead of schedule, Tia admits his early arrival was something of a relief.
“I was excited to get this baby out of me” she explained when recently interviewed by BET.
Tia went on to express how she was somewhat ill prepared for the sudden wave of emotions first time motherhood often brings.
“It’s a lot more emotional that I expected. I knew it would be emotional, but I didn’t know it would be this emotional. People always say you never know love until you have your own child and all of that is true.”
Luckily Tia’s husband Cory Hardrict is also up for the challenge, as Tia explained how he was eager to assist whenever he could.
“He’s changing diapers, he’s feeding, bathing, all of it. At night I pump bottles so he can do feeding.”
On top of completing a docu-series, and having her first child, Tia Mowry Hardrict is also returning to the set of The Game in September to begin taping for its new season.
Although Tia is understandably exhausted, she reportedly couldn’t be happier at the timing of her new addition; and when asked if she hopes her sister will soon share in a twin motherhood experience, she simply stated;
“At her wedding, I said in my speech that she needed to get on it–now!”
Will you watch Tia & Tamera tonight at 9pm on the Style Network