Willie and Angela Gillis Lose Combined 500 Pounds, Inspire Other Couples

Two years ago, Angela and Willie Gillis decided they were ready for a healthier lifestyle. Through diet changes and daily exercise they lost a combined 500 pounds.

CNN readers were inspired by the Gillises’ story, posting more than 1,000 encouraging comments for the couple. They also showed that weight loss success stories come in all shapes and sizes.

Seems CNN readers are doing their part to make America a fit nation.

“AWESOME! So inspiring!” Holly Jean Paquin Michels posted on the story. “My husband and I (along with another couple) are three months into our own transformation and have both lost almost 40 pounds. I love that your love for one another shines through in your commitment to this great challenge! That’s how we are conquering it too. Congratulations!”

“Three years ago my wife and I each lost a lot of weight — I lost 70 pounds and she lost 65,” alphacat4 wrote. “We have kept it off. Amazing how much better we feel. … She was able to quit taking some medications and I stayed off medications.”

“You two keep up the GREAT work!” Joseph Elliott urged. “My girlfriend and I have lost about 300 pounds over the past three years combined. … We still have a long way to go, but reading (stories) like yours help us stay focused!”

“I love seeing a weight loss story like this one that focuses on healthy eating and exercising,” Jacqueline Mayse wrote. “My husband and I both decided to start losing weight this past January, and it really helps to have each other for support and motivation. We have both lost almost 20 pounds so far and our goals are 40 to 50 pounds total. People keep asking us ‘What are you doing to lose weight?!’ and seem a bit disappointed when we tell them calorie counting and exercise. Haha. You’re an inspiration!”

The Gillises’ story provides hope to many married couples who fall into bad habits after the wedding. Research shows both married men and women tend to gain more weight than their single counterparts.

Reader Stimpee525 has lost 25 pounds since December, finally falling out of the “obese” BMI range.

“Not gonna lie — I was trying to keep up diet-wise with my husband and PACKED on weight,” she said. “After a while I decided enough was enough, and joined Weight Watchers. … I showed him this article last night. He’s been getting on our exercise bike, so it’s a start.”

“My wife and I would lose weight here and there, but (had) never tackled both diet and exercise together,” NightWatch posted. “Over the last nine months, we’ve lost 134 pounds combined as well — 75 for me, 59 for her — and we’ve got another 100 combined to go to get where we need to be. And we’ll get there!”

Of course, all the single ladies — and men — out there aren’t slacking off either.

“I’ve decided to lose weight,” Iggy Noramous wrote. “In seven weeks, I’ve gone from 255 to 239. Only about 40 pounds to go.”

“I’m in week three of my ‘healthier eating lifestyle change,’ and I find this story very inspiring!! Y’all did that!!” Dana Colson said…

Read More: cnn.com

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