Wealthy California Neighborhood Still Has ‘Whites Only’ Ownership Rule from 1959

A wealthy El Dorado Hills, California neighborhood still has racist rules banning non-whites from owning homes.

According to CBS 13, a resident in Lakehills Estates has spoken out against the racist rules banned two decades ago.

Homeowner Cameron Foster rediscovered the 1959 clause in the covenants, conditions and restrictions.

It states:

“No person except those of the white Caucasian race shall use, occupy or reside upon any residential lot or plot, in this subdivision, except when employed as a servant or domestic in the household of a White Caucasian tenant or owner.”

The now illegal restrictions have not been removed by the homeowners’ association.

“We had just moved in and our realtor told us that the CC&R had a racial clause that said you couldn’t live here unless you were Caucasian,” Foster tells reporters in the news clip. “I just don’t think in this day and age that’s how things should be. And I just want to set that stage for the world that my kids are gonna grow up in.”

CBS 13 reports that the homeowners tried to remove the clause 20 years ago but nothing happened.

Foster plans to collect the signatures of all 300 residents and put the matter to a vote.

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