Judge Pleased With Mel Gibson's Progress

Back in March, Mel Gibson was sentenced to three years of probation and one year of domestic violence counseling. The actor plead no contest to a charge of domestic violence, which involved his former girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva.

Gibson’s attorney, Blair Berk, told Judge Stephanie Sautner that, “Gibson is way ahead of schedule, having completed 38 counseling sessions equaling 78 hours total with his therapist.”

Berk also showed information proving that the actor paid his fines and completed his community service.

Sautner was pleased with the news and said Gibson was “making good progress.”

Gibson will appear back in court March 2, 2012 to show proof that he completed his counseling.

Aside from his legal troubles, Mel Gibson is trying to make a movie comeback. This task is still a difficult feat, as his planned movie about biblical Jewish warrior Judah Maccabee has been delayed after the actor’s infamous anti-Semitic rant aimed at the police officer who arrested him for a DUI back in 2006.

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