‘Get In Your Car!’: Fearless Bystander Defends Black Mother and Terrified Child Against Burly Driver ‘Intimidating’ Them After Traffic Incident In Viral Video

People online are applauding a woman for coming to the defense of a Black woman verbally clashing with a male driver after a traffic incident.

TikTok user @thaidixon133 posted a video to her account showing the moments she intervened in a heated altercation between two drivers in the middle of a busy road.

A video shows a Black woman coming to the defense of another woman and a child during an argument with a male driver after a traffic incident. (Photos: TikTok/@thaidixon133)

The clip shows a white driver recording his confrontation with a Black driver while she’s seated in her car with a child in the passenger seat. Viewers can see both drivers yelling at each other after what appears to be a traffic incident.

It’s unclear what exactly they’re arguing about, but @thaidixon133 stops her car and interrupts the dispute, advising the Black female driver not to move her car because it could suffer more damage after the incident.

“Don’t move your car no more, just call the police!” she yells to the Black driver.

Then, she directly addresses the white driver: “You, sir, need to get in your car and call the police! And stop intimidating this woman and her child!”

The man turns around and shouts, “I’m not trying to intimidate anybody!”

“Hop in your car and call the proper people for this,” @thaidixon advises. “Her baby is scared and you’re sitting here yelling at her. Leave this woman and her child alone!”

The man raises his hands in surrender and quietly walks back to a U-Haul truck.

The Black driver can be heard thanking her defender, and @thaidixon133 pulls to the side to presumably wait for the authorities and see the situation come to a peaceful resolution.

Many people sided with @thaidixon133 for her gallant actions.

“This is a village I want to be a part of…respect you for not just videoing and standing on business,” one person wrote.

“You did a fantastic job at de-escalating the situation with reasoning and assertiveness. Way to go,” another person praised.

“One day that child will step in to help someone that needs it, because they remember how much it meant when you did it,” one comment read.

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