Privilege Prevails?: Son of Israeli Diplomat Accused of Running Over Florida Cop Will Have Criminal Record Wiped If He Completes Community Service

The son of an Israeli diplomat who authorities say ran over a Florida cop with his motorcycle made a deal with prosecutors that will clear his criminal record.

Avraham Gil was arrested in January after he “intentionally ran” over a police officer in Sunny Isles, Florida, leaving the officer with “incapacitating injuries,” court documents state.

The cop was conducting a routine traffic stop on a busy road when he spotted Gil swerving in and out of traffic. He commanded Gil to stop, but Gil continued speeding forward and ran him over.

Son of Israeli Diplomat Accused of Running Over Florida Cop Will Have Criminal Record Wiped If He Completes Community Service
Avraham Gil allegedly struck a Miami-area police officer on a motorcycle. (Photos: Google Maps, YouTube screenshot/Local 10)

Even after being struck by Gil, the cop was able to snatch him off his bike before he could speed away.

According to an arrest affidavit, Gil told police he was weaving through cars on the road because he didn’t want to wait for traffic.

He was charged with battery of a law enforcement officer, resisting an officer, and aggravated assault on a law enforcement officer. Prosecutors declined to pursue the battery and resisting arrest charges, according to NBC Miami, but never shared why. This left the assault charge to prosecute, which is a first-degree felony that carries a maximum sentence of 30 years in prison.

On Monday, prosecutors offered to drop the charge completely if Gil completes a pre-trial diversion program typically offered to first-time offenders, which would allow him to avoid prison time.

The program requires Gil to complete 100 hours of community service, attend traffic school, and adhere to a no-driving order. He also must donate $500 to the Ryder Trauma Center.

“If you do what you are supposed to be doing, the state will drop the charges,” Judge Teresa Pooler told Gil at a hearing on Monday, according to the local outlet.

He has until July 24 to complete that program.

In February, Gil’s attorney initially argued that the 19-year-old had consular immunity because his father works at the Israeli consulate’s office in Miami, Law and Crime reported.

The State Department clarified that a dependent of an Israeli consular office is not entitled to civil or criminal immunity because there is a difference between a diplomat and a consulate official. Officials stated that neither Avraham nor his father, Eli Gil, had diplomatic immunity. So, prosecutors moved ahead with pursuing charges.

Gil wrote a letter to the officer he wounded, asking for forgiveness and writing that “the incident served as a significant wake-up call in my life.”

“Prior to this incident, I was going to serve in an administrative social service government post. Now, I have chosen to serve in the active military,” Gil wrote of his plans to join the Israel Defense Forces.

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