‘Hate on Him If Y’all Want’: Keke Palmer Responds to Critics Who Shame Her for Aspiring to be Like Tyler Perry

In a strange twist of events, actress Keke Palmer was recently on the tail end of online backlash after praising director Tyler Perry for his career accomplishments. 

On Monday, Sept. 28, Palmer took to her Twitter account to show some love to the award-winning star. “I want to be like Tyler Perry when I grow up,” the actress tweeted. “He’s like a modern Walt Disney,” Palmer wrote of the director/actor/producer who, as reported by Forbes in September, has achieved billionaire status. This after withstanding an abusive childhood and nights of sleeping in his car during a period of homelessness, as the “Alex Cross” actor has shared publicly.

Keke Palmer responds to critics after receiving backlash over Tyler Perry admiration. (Photo source: Keke Palmer’s Instagram account)

Today, the actor owns a 330-acre production studio in the heart of Atlanta, Georgia, on the grounds of what used to be a Confederate army base. 

Palmer, 27, reposted her initial tweet, quoting, “I love Tyler Perry. Period. He has inspired me so hate on him if y’all want but he’s done incredible things and literally came from NOTHING. His movies triple what they were made for and he HAS HIS OWN LOT.”

The “True Jackson” star’s praise didn’t go over well with people online who began to tweet, voicing their disagreement with Palmer. Many felt that the “Why Did I Get Married?” star built his incomparable legacy by impersonating Black women without ever including them in the creative process of the stories he creates about them and their struggles. 

The actress, however, had a few choice words for her critics in a series of tweets. “This social media trend of trying to literally criticize everyone to the bone is not fun nor cute,” the actress wrote. “People aren’t perfect, you’re never gonna like ALL of everything. NEVER.”

She continued, “You don’t’ have to throw out the baby with the bath water. You can like some things about someone and dislike others it’s possible for someone to be flawed and still be loved.” However, Palmer wasn’t alone in her sentiments. A twitter user responded to the actress stating, “It’s so self righteous and it’s like they do it to make themselves feel better, like they’re superior Bc they can call others out on any little thing. It’s so draining, I couldn’t imagine making a hobby out of finding ways to pick ppl apart.” Palmer responded to the user, “Right it’s like so now you pointed out the one flaw… are YOU happy now? Cause u sure asf wasn’t before tryna just find something negative.”

And for those who still disagreed with Palmer’s praise for Perry, she let it be known that, “And in pure Virgo fashion. I don’t’ care if you disagree because you don’t exist.”

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