Season 4 of HBO’s comedy drama series “Insecure” officially returned to television on Sunday, April 12, after taking a one-year hiatus. The highly anticipated show brought on Kerry Washington as the new director for episode 9, and she allegedly made a few of her cast members upset. Yvonne Orji, who plays Molly Carter, jokingly said she wanted to fight Washington after she pushed her to become a better actress.
Issa Rae, the show’s creator, hosted a virtual watch party on Instagram Live Sunday, April 12, with some of the cast, a DJ set, and an after-party performance by Jidenna. During the Q&A segment of her show, Orji teasingly revealed to Rae that she wanted to hurt the former “Scandal” actress for testing her acting limits.
Orji, a native of Nigeria, explained she was filming an emotional scene and was giving it her all when Washington suddenly screamed out, “I don’t believe you!” Orji revealed she was growing frustrated with the 43-year-old star’s directing style. She claimed they filmed the scenes multiple times but admitted Washington made the scene better. “She pushed me to greatness,” Orji gushed.
Washington intended to make the scene a success despite how upset she made her cast members. “I want to bring the best out of you,” she told Orji on set. The 36-year-old Orji implied that Kerry could have loosened up since they were filming a comedy. “This is still a comedy, it’s bare minimum over here,” she told Washington. The former Golden Globe Award Best Actress winner responded, “I’m going to let you know if I don’t feel it.”
Rae explained that the majority of the show’s directors typically go with the flow and usually take into account how the actors and actresses have performed in the past. Rae shared that Washington respectfully wanted to try new things on the show.
Washington appears to be excited to watch the episode she directed. “Being sooooo lowkey about my excitement for Insecure Season 4,” she wrote on Instagram. Episode 9 is the penultimate episode of the season.