‘You Are the Show Sis’: Mariah Huq Says She Hasn’t Received Her New ‘Married to Medicine’ Contract, Fans React

Married to Medicine‘s Mariah Huq has some questions. The show creator, executive producer, and cast member was surprised when she checked her mail recently, only to see that her contract for the new season of the show was nowhere to be found. Huq took her confusion to Instagram for the entertainment of us all.

Huq, who is married to Dr. Aydin Huq, voiced a bit of concern over her yet-to-be-seen season 8 contract. “Morting-ting-ting Where is my contract?” Huq wrote in her caption. “Last time I checked I was #MarriedToMed Now I have to worry about Covid & Contracts.. It’s #teamtoomuch #Imsiccud.”

Mariah Huq is missing her ‘Married to Medicine’ contract./Photo Credit: @iluvmariah

Fans let their disapproval of the situation be known on social, with many saying they’ll stop watching the series if Huq doesn’t return next season.

“GM Beautiful !!!!!! you shall go on and be GREATER and they shall come Calling Back !!!!!!! You have SO much they can’t go on with out !!!! EXECUTIVE PRODUCER gone , Show is Gone !!!!!!! ❤️,” encouraged one fan.

“I’ll not be watching if they play like that. They better send that contract,” warned another.

“Wait. Isn’t she one of the producers on the show as well,” wondered a third. “They better quit playing. Call your manager!!”

“They saved the best for last 🙌🏾‼️” a follower exclaimed.

Another definitively stated, “There is no Married to Medicine without Mariah HuQ.”

Fellow cast members Dr. Heavenly Kimes and Dr. Contessa Metcalfe, M.D., chatted about the mystery during a Live Q&A on Dr. Heavenly’s YouTube channel, with Dr. Contessa throwing a fair bit of shade. Their comments start around the 1:15:26 mark of the talk. “The messy thing is who told her they got theirs and she didn’t get hers? That’s messy right?” she asked.

Dr. Heavenly gave her thoughts on who spilled the beans, but didn’t say much more for concern over potential trouble with the powers-that-be. “Latoya told her, hell! You know what that’s about! They told me not to talk about this so I ain’t got nothing to do with it, okay?” she said.

I guess we’ll all have to stay tuned to see how this one turns out!

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