Herman Cain Says Blacks Are ‘Brainwashed’ to Dislike Trump

Herman Cain, a pal of a Donald Trump‘s and his former pick to serve on the Federal Reserve Board, insists African-Americans don’t fancy Trump because they’re being “brainwashed” by the media.

The pizza tycoon and former Republican presidential candidate was asked by entertainment outlet TMZ why he thinks the president has won such little support with the Black community, despite what Cain said was important work on issues impacting Black folks.

Herman Cain

Herman Cain argued that certain media outlets are to blame for African-Americans’ negative view of Donald Trump. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)

“They are getting brainwashed according to the news that they watch,” he said. “It’s been statistically shown that certain stations, certain news outlets, they simply aren’t telling the entire truth. And in some cases, people are being brainwashed.”

Cain argued that Trump, 72, has done lots to help the Black community, like supporting criminal justice reform and driving the Black unemployment to record lows. The president has largely taken credit for the shrinking rate of joblessness among Black Americans, however, the downward trend initially began under Barack Obama’s administration.

Still, Cain believes Trump deserves more credit.

“He should be given credit for what he has done for our entire nation,” he said. “He should be given more credit for what he did for criminal justice reform. But they don’t wanna talk about that. They don’t wanna talk about the real results he’s achieved.”

Cain’s comments follow his withdrawal from consideration to serve on the Fed’s board of governors, a position Trump nominated him for last month. The former Godfather’s Pizza CEO pulled out amid mounting criticism over his unabashed support for the president and past sexual misconduct allegations.

“My friend Herman Cain, a truly wonderful man, has asked me not to nominate him for a seat on the Federal Reserve Board,” Trump tweeted in April. “I will respect his wishes. Herman is a great American who truly loves our Country!”

Cain caught flak last year when he defended the president’s racist “shithole countries” comment describing African and Latin American countries. The Black conservative insisted Trump was only describing the countries’ conditions and not its people.

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