Candace Owens Quits Turning Point USA After Calls for Her Firing

Conservative activist Candace Owens has officially resigned from her post as communications director for right-wing advocacy group Turning Point USA, announcing on Instagram that she’s finally “moving on.”

“I am both excited and sad to announce that I will be officially moving on from my role as Communications Director for Turning Point USA,” Owens said, calling TPUSA an “amazing” group that’s fighting a so-called “cultural war on college campuses.”

Candace Owens

Candace Owens, 29, recently faced criticism for comments she made that seemed to support Adolf Hitler. (Photo by Zach Gibson/Getty Images)

“Watching the way in which this organization has grown has been one of the greatest honors of my life,” she added.

Owens’ departure comes amid calls from both inside and outside the right- wing organization for her to scram after controversial comments she made in February about Adolf Hitler. The 29-year-old was speaking at a London event to launch a U.K. chapter of TPUSA when she argued the Nazi Germany leader was an “OK” guy until he tried globalizing his message.

“If Hitler just wanted to make Germany great and have things run well, OK fine,” she said in response to a question about her thoughts on nationalism. “The problem is he had dreams outside of Germany. He wanted to globalize … he wanted everyone to be German.”

“I don’t really have an issue with nationalism,” Owens added. “Globalism is what I don’t want.”

Her remarks, including her criticism of the #MeToo Movement, sparked strong reactions from TPUSA leaders at the University of Colorado Boulder, the University of Nebraska Omaha, and Bowling Green State University, who all signed a letter urging Owens to step down.

“Turning Point USA is above this thoughtless and divisive rhetoric, and as Chapters, Presidents, and Leaders of Turning Point USA, we will no longer stand idly by as they continue,” they wrote in a statement. “We don’t believe Candace Owens to be the most effective representation for Turning Point USA, as Communications Director or otherwise.

Chapters, presidents and leaders for the organization argued that controversy has seemed to follow Owens since she was appointed communications director, and added that “many hard working activists and chapters across the United States dissociate with Turning Point USA simply because they can’t align themselves with the rhetoric and statements that have come out.”

The conservative provocateur is now bidding adieu and cited her #BLEXIT movement, a call for Blacks to leave the Democratic party, and a few of her other projects as her reason for leaving.

“In many ways, today feels like a graduation!” Owens wrote in her farewell post. “I have learned so much and want to thank all of our students, and especially [Turning Point COO] Tyler Bowyer and [founder] Charlie Kirk for giving me this amazing platform and opportunity to do what I love most.”

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