A.J. Calloway Faces Sexual Assault Allegations by Six Different Women After Suspension

As previously reported, A.J. Calloway was suspended by Warner Bros., the company that produces his show “Extra,” pending new sexual assault allegations that were going to be released by The Hollywood Reporter.

That report was published on Monday, Feb. 13, and included six new claims from six different women, one of them named Jeannie Delgado, who said she met Calloway on a flight from Newark to Los Angeles in December 2008.

Six women have accused A.J. Calloway of either rape or sexual assault.


According to Delgado, the host invited her to a Christmas party at his house in New Jersey, and since nothing bad happened she attended another party of his in February 2009. Due to bad weather conditions, Delgado was worried about driving home, so she stayed the night at Calloway’s house after he invited her to sleep in his guest room.

But the room ended up being his bedroom, and that’s where she said he raped her.

“He basically closed the door, locked it and tried to kiss me,” she told The Hollywood Reporter. I was like, ‘No, no, no.’ Then he went for my pants. He flipped me over, grabbed my hands, held them behind my back.”

“I’m 5-foot-2, 110 pounds,” she continued. “He’s 6-foot-4, and I don’t know how much he weighs. He proceeded to rape me. When I tried to get up, he pulled me back down and bear-hugged me. That was for hours. I lay there crying the whole time. When the sun came up, he raped me again.”

Delgado said she kept the alleged rape to herself for years, because she immediately told a boyfriend about it, and he placed the blame on her. But she went to the West Orange, N.J., police on Dec. 24 2018, after she searched if Calloway had other accusers.

That’s when she learned of Sil Lai Abrams, who accused the TV personality of sexual assault in 2006. The former “106 & Park” host was arrested after Abrams’ claims, but the case was later dropped.

One of the other women who spoke with The Hollywood Reporter goes by Talia, and she alleged that Calloway sexually assaulted her in his home in 2011.

An accuser who called herself Daisy said Calloway raped her in his West Hollywood hotel room in 2003, and the fifth woman, who uses the name Nancy, claimed she was sexually assaulted by the host in 2013 inside his house.

Calloway attorney Lisa E. Davis has denied all of the allegations.

“The Hollywood Reporter’s decision to publicize these vague, unsubstantiated and mostly anonymous allegations — without providing Mr. Calloway with the details and information necessary to meaningfully respond to them — is thoughtless and rash,” a statement read. “However, even with the limited information The Hollywood Reporter did provide to us about these allegations, Mr. Calloway can state unequivocally that these allegations are implausible and did not happen.”

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