Chris Brown Fires Back at Paris Rape Accuser With Defamation Lawsuit

In just about a 24-hour span, Chris Brown was arrested for rape in Paris, then released without any charges, and now he’s filing a defamation suit against his accuser.

Raphael Chiche, the singer’s Parisian attorney, said he’s already began filing the suit, which should get to the prosecutor in a short amount of time. “Chris Brown is free,” said Chiche. “A complaint for slanderous denunciation will be filed tomorrow with the public prosecutor of Paris.”

Chris Brown will sue his rape accuser for defamation.


The rape claim was made by a 24-year-old model known only known as Karima, who said she met Brown on Jan. 15 at Paris’ Mandarin Oriental Hotel. From there, Karima said she accompanied the singer to a nightclub and came back to the hotel afterwards.

She then told Closer Magazine that Brown “catches me by the right arm, he makes me enter a sort of dressing room, he closed the door. It lasted 25-30 minutes.” Karima also said that Chris’ friends and bodyguard “abused” her afterwards, and she went to the police two days later.

But the R&B star said the claims are completely false and there were at least 20 people in the room when the model was there. On Tuesday, Jan. 22, Brown took to his Instagram page and denied the allegations outright.

“I wanna make it perfectly clear,” he wrote. “This is false and a whole ‘lot of crap. For my daughter and my family this is so disrespectful and is against my character and morals.”

While Brown’s attorney is readying the defamation suit, police are still investigating the rape claims. But according to a TMZ report, since he was already released and allowed to leave the country, it shows that prosecutors don’t have a lot of confidence in the model’s claims.

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