Cuteness Overload: Little Boy’s Reaction to His Newborn Sister Is Absolutely Heartwarming

A heartwarming video of a little boy meeting his newborn sister for the first time has social media users grabbing for a Kleenex.

“Y’all, my best friend had her baby today & this was her son’s reaction to meeting his sister for the FIRST TIME. My heart,” Justyce Chavue wrote in a Twitter post on Monday.

In the video, the little boy is giddy with excitement as his little sister is lifted from her bassinet and placed in her mother’s lap. “My sissy!” he says with his arms outstretched, eager to meet his new partner in crime.

With new sister finally in his arms, the little boy wastes no time planting kisses on her tiny cheeks and forehead. He’s seemingly ready and well prepared to take on his new, vital role as a big brother.

The video, which has been re-shared nearly 125,000 times, left Twitter users gushing and even prompted a few to share their own throwback photos of relatives meeting newborn babies for the first time.

“The kiss sent me over the edge,” one user wrote, followed by a crying emoji.

“This is just too sweet. He giving any and everybody hell about that little girl.”

Watch more in the clip below.

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