‘I’m Protecting Myself’: April Ryan Keeps Up Security After Receiving Death Threats On the Heels of Trump Attacks

White House correspondent April Ryan has received numerous and sundry death threats within the past few months, and she’s reiterated that she is taking precautions by maintaining extra protection.

Ryan, who is the Washington bureau chief for American Urban Radio Networks, is one of many reporters who have been the object of President Donald Trump’s verbal attacks. The veteran reporter has hired security to protect her from Trump supporters who view her as the enemy.

In September, Ryan received a threat from an individual who emailed her, “Your not black. Your a loser with a big mouth that need slapped. If I ever see you, you’re slap is coming. Go eat more s**t,” according to TMZ.

Authorities also confirmed that the reporter was sent a letter from a man who claimed to be a former Army Ranger. He wrote, “I know who you are; what you look like; where you work; where you live, and what you drive … so I think I’ll pay you a visit soon. Trust me — it will be the worst day of your life!”

Ryan was asked by TMZ Live on Thursday if she was receiving death threats after Trump impolitely told her to sit down after she asked the president about voter suppression during Trump’s Nov. 7 news conference. Ryan, who’s also a CNN analyst, didn’t go into much detail about specific death threats she’s received, but, months after first revealing that she hired a bodyguard, she indicated that her personal security measures remain in place.

“The president has said some things that people want to act on, and I have governed myself according, “said Ryan. “I’m protecting myself and my family.”

She continued, “I can’t be afraid and I’m not going to make my children afraid. People just want to scare you from reporting on truth.”

Ryan made it clear that she’s not surrendering to fear from those who threaten her and doesn’t plan on backing down.

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