Tyrese Gibson Shares First Pics of Newborn Daughter Soraya

Tyrese Gibson could not keep his daughter Soraya Lee Gibson’s beauty to himself much longer.

On Wednesday, Gibson shared a video on Instagram of his newborn daughter’s photo shoot. In his caption he wrote, “Dear Loved ones, We hesitated to post our angel, and after embracing her love and joy for the last 2 weeks we decided to share our answered prayer.” He continued, “We’re convinced that ‘God must have spent a little more time on her’ Beautiful photography by @jessicalimonphotography #BigSisterShayla so proud!”

The fans absolutely adored baby Soraya in her little photo shoot.

“Awww! Thank you for sharing her with us.💖”

“Thanks God blessings and look over family joy😇😇😍”

“Absolutely blessing so adorable👑😍❤️”

“Oh my goodness, what an absolute doll!!!! 😍 so precious💕🤗🌻🦄”

“What a beautiful little girl you have congratulations”

The singer and actor has been head over heels for his youngest daughter since the day she was born. Earlier this month, he shared with his fans on Instagram his excitement of his wife Samantha Lee Gibson giving birth to his daughter. The lengthy caption said, “Already on #DaddyDuties…. My wife is the real champion here I have never seen this level of strength and will power….. She was in labor for 30 hours… 8 pounds 6 oz later….. We know our daughter came here to change things….”


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