Candace Owens ‘Admires’ Trump’s Courage to Speak Up for Minorities

Black conservative Candace Owens on Sunday lauded President Donald Trump for completely dismantling political correctness.

Owens’ comments came during an appearance on Fox News’ ‘”Life, Liberty and Levin,” where she argued the country was being lost to political correctness until Trump took office almost in January 2017. She even patted the president on the back, “admiring” his courage in advocating on behalf of racial minorities.

“I think that what he did in this country was the most necessary thing by killing political correctness,” she said. “We were losing this country. … He stood up on a platform and he started telling the truth.”

Owens, who serves as communications director for right-wing activist group Turning Point USA, said America would have faced the same issues she claims Europe is facing regarding immigration and other issues had it not been for someone like Trump who’s “willing to take the hits from the media.” She then blasted Democratic policies as “racist.”

“The Democrat policies that have been inflicted in the Black community are racist,” she argued. “When you talk about the welfare system, Lyndon B. Johnson and the proliferation of the welfare state … those are the things that were racist. Trump was actually telling us ‘you guys are losing.’ ”

Watch more in the clip below.


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