Famous and everyday people alike have been slamming the Dallas Cowboys’ Dak Prescott for what he said about NFL players protesting the National Anthem. And now, through a painting, a Texas-based artist has done the same thing.
His name is Trey Wilder, and he painted a mural of Prescott, which resembles that famous image of Daniel Kaluuya in the film “Get Out” — the one where he gazes into space while crying in fear.
Instagram/Trey Wilder
The mural was painted in the Fabrication Yard in Trinity Groves, a popular retail location in West Dallas.
“I was just thinking about some of the scenes in the movie where the guy was hypnotized, and that’s what I believed [Prescott’s] remarks seemed like,” said Wilder about the inspiration behind the mural.
The 29-year-old also said that he got the idea once he heard that Prescott was made “The Donkey of the Day” on “The Breakfast Club.” But he said the painting also represents something bigger than the quarterback, the national anthem protests overall.
“Honestly, I just think it’s the whole idea of everything going on: The NFL, police protests, this is something that is seriously going on everywhere,” Wilder explained.
The painting was completed on Saturday Aug. 6 but was defaced the very next day. Someone painted sunglasses over Prescott’s eyes and also marked up his face.
Tyler Wilder
If you missed it, the starting quarterback said he respected that other players are standing up for their rights but didn’t feel a football game was the right place to do it.
“I don’t think that’s the time or the venue to do so,” he stated.
“The game of football has always brought me such a peace, and I think it does the same for a lot of other people, people playing the game, people watching the game and any people that have an impact on the game. So when you bring such a controversy to the stadium, to the field, to the game, it takes away. It takes away from the joy and the love that football brings a lot of people.”
In regards to Wilder, his specialty seems to be painting colorful eye-catching murals of sports figures like LeBron James, James Harden and Muhammad Ali.
“There’s been no hate, really. It’s all love right now,” said Wilder about the Prescott mural. “I usually get a lot of feedback, so hopefully that hate comes soon.”