Angela Rye Has a Message for Pelosi, Schumer and Trump: ‘We Stand With Maxine’

Political analyst Angela Rye has remained steadfast in her support for Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) amid criticisms over the congresswoman’s comments urging resistance against President Donald Trump and his administration.

Rye was determined to make an “illustrative point” at the 2018 Essence Music Fest in New Orleans this weekend when she instructed festival-goers to stand to their feet and share in her support of the longtime lawmaker, who’s been an outspoken critic of the president and his controversial policies.

“Everyone who has their video cameras out, get your phones out and pan the room,” Rye told the crowd of attendees. ” … This is what we’re going to say to Chuck [Schumer], to Nancy [Pelosi] and to Donald. Say ‘We Stand with Maxine!'”

“Say it one more time for the people in the back,” she shouted as festival-goers held hands and echoed the phrase.

Late last month, Rye issued a harsh rebuke to Democratic bigwigs Schumer and Pelosi after both criticized Waters’ comments encouraging folks to harass members of Trump’s Cabinet in public. Waters never called for harm, but her statements drew a reprimand from House Minority Leader Pelosi who urged “civility.”

“Let’s make America beautiful again,” she wrote in a tweet.

Schumer, Majority Leader of the House, also weighed in on the controversy, calling Waters’ comments un-American.

Watch more in the video above.

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