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Are Black Men the Number Two Killer of Black Women In the U.S. Under the Age of 50?


What is the number two cause of death for Black women in the U.S. under the age of 50?

A. Unintentional Injuries
B. Cancer
C. Black Men
D. Heart Disease


Despite TV One executive Jamilah Lemieux and feminist author Amber Phillips’ claim that the number two killer of Black women is Black men, ABS found no credible source to substantiate the claim. Heart disease was the number two killer of Black women, according to ABS’ analysis of the 2016 cause of death report put out by the CDC, which broke down the numbers by race. Assault cases that led to death does not make the top 5 per the chart below.

It’s acknowledged that Lemieux and Phillips’ claim was about women under 50, however, CDC did not record any assault deaths for Black women between the ages of 45-54. Additionally, the total assault deaths for women under 45 years old is still below accidents, heart disease, and cancer.

Age Range 1-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 Total Deaths
All Causes 408 236 248 541 1,069 3,087 5,692 13,360 24641
Accidents (unintentional injuries) 106 79 61 151 272 552 585 818 2624
Disease of the heart 24 13 13 29 79 382 1019 2757 4316
Malignant NeoPlasms 27 27 31 41 73 363 1211 3771 5544
Assualt 49 18 20 98 171 290 171 817
Intentional self-harm (suicide) 12 48 74 98 232
Chronic lower respiratory diseases 8 19 20 12 19 319 397
Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities 41 15 13 17 86
Pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium 17 46 133 105 301
Cerebrovascular diseases 5 4 75 225 639 948
Diabetes mellitus 19 121 223 628 991
Influenza and pneumonia 10 7 3 20
Certain conditions originating in the perinatal 8 8
Septicemia 7 6 3 7 123 317 463
Anemias 6 7 16 19 60 108
Complications of medical and surgical care
4 4
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) disease
27 106 260 346 739
Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosi
133 279 412
Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis
105 326 431
All other causes 122 40 64 105 270 907 1532 3160 6200
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