Dennis Miller Tried to Insult Michelle Wolf for WHCD Jokes, But Things Quickly Took a Turn

Michelle Wolf

Michelle Wolf and Dennis Miller (Fox News screenshot)

Stand-up comedian tried to poke fun at Michelle Wolf for her controversial White House Correspondence Dinner roast of Sarah Huckabee Sanders, but instead, the tables turned on him.

Wolf left social media in stitches with her witty performance on Saturday night, April 28 when she poked fun at the White House Press Secretary. Nevertheless, there were others who didn’t find her jokes so funny. “Saturday Night Live” alum and leftist Miller, happened to be one of the sticklers who blasted the female comedian for her entertaining performance.

Miller tweeted early Sunday morning, “What a horrid human being Michelle Wolf is… I will have a few brutally mean jokes about her by Wednesday.”

Alternatively, the Internet had a few “brutally mean” jokes of their own to unleash on Miller and his three-day research. He became a trending topic on Twitter…and not in a good way.

Twitter continued to drag Miller and he tried to make light of his roasting by sending out an additional tweet saying, ” I’m working on a comment on me being roasted and I’ll have it for you Thursday” but social media users are refusing to let up. Maybe Miller will think twice before mocking comedian Wolf again.

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